Definitions of Domestic Violence - Washington

Date: January 2021

Defined in Domestic Violence Civil Laws

Citation: Rev. Code § 26.50.010

'Domestic violence' means either of the following:

  • Physical harm, bodily injury, assault, or the infliction of fear of imminent physical harm, bodily injury or assault, sexual assault, or stalking, as defined in § 9A.46.110, of one intimate partner by another intimate partner
  • Physical harm, bodily injury, assault, or the infliction of fear of imminent physical harm, bodily injury or assault, sexual assault, or stalking of one family or household member by another family or household member

Defined in Child Abuse Reporting and Child Protection Laws

Citation: Rev. Code § 26.44.020(18)

Poverty, homelessness, or exposure to domestic violence, as defined in § 26.50.010, that is perpetrated against someone other than the child does not constitute negligent treatment or maltreatment in and of itself.

Defined in Criminal Laws

Citation: Rev. Code § 10.99.020

'Domestic violence' includes, but is not limited to, any of the following crimes when committed by either by (a) one family or household member against another family or household member, or (b) one intimate partner against another intimate partner:

  • Assault
  • Drive-by shooting
  • Reckless endangerment
  • Coercion
  • Burglary
  • Criminal trespass
  • Malicious mischief
  • Kidnapping
  • Unlawful imprisonment
  • Violation of the provisions of a restraining order, no-contact order, or protection order
  • Rape
  • Residential burglary
  • Stalking
  • Interference with the reporting of domestic violence

Persons Included in the Definition

Citation: Rev. Code §§ 10.99.020; 26.50.010

In civil and criminal law: The term 'family or household members' includes any of the following:

  • Adult persons related by blood or marriage
  • Adult persons who are presently residing together or who have resided together in the past
  • Persons who have a biological or legal parent-child relationship, including stepparents and stepchildren and grandparents and grandchildren

The term 'intimate partner' includes any of the following:

  • Spouses, domestic partners, former spouses, or former domestic partners
  • Persons who have a child in common regardless of whether they have been married or have lived together at any time
  • Adult persons presently or previously residing together who have or have had a dating relationship
  • Persons age 16 or older who are presently residing together or who have resided together in the past and who have or have had a dating relationship
  • Persons age 16 or older with whom a person age 16 or older has or has had a dating relationship

'Dating relationship' means a social relationship of a romantic nature. Factors that the court may consider in making this determination include the following:

  • The length of time the relationship has existed
  • The nature of the relationship
  • The frequency of interaction between the parties