Unregulated Custody Transfers of Adopted Children - Nevada

Date: August 2022


This issue is not addressed in the statutes reviewed.

Prohibited or Required Actions Regarding Custody

Citation: Rev. Stat. §§ 159A.205; 159A.215

A parent may appoint in writing a short-term guardian for an unmarried minor child without the approval of a court if the parent has legal custody of the minor child. The appointment of a short-term guardian is effective for a minor who is age 14 or older only if the minor provides written consent to the guardianship. The appointment of a short-term guardian does not affect the rights of the other parent of the minor.

A parent shall not appoint a short-term guardian for a minor child if the minor child has another parent whose parental rights have not been terminated, whose whereabouts are known, and who is willing and able to make and carry out daily child care decisions concerning the minor unless the other parent provides written consent to the appointment.

The written instrument appointing a short-term guardian becomes effective immediately upon execution.

The short-term guardian appointed pursuant to this section serves as guardian of the minor for 6 months unless the written instrument appointing the guardian specifies a shorter term or specifies that the guardianship is to terminate upon the happening of an event that occurs sooner than 6 months.

A member of the U.S. Armed Forces, a reserve component thereof, or the National Guard may, by written instrument and without the approval of a court, appoint any adult residing in this State who is not incapacitated as the guardian of the person of a minor child who is a dependent of that member. The instrument must be executed by both parents, if living, not divorced, and having legal custody of the child, otherwise by the parent having legal custody. If both parents do not execute the instrument, the executing parent shall send a copy of the instrument by certified mail to the other parent at their last known address.


This issue is not addressed in the statutes reviewed.


This issue is not addressed in the statutes reviewed.