State Recognition of Intercountry Adoptions Finalized Abroad - North Carolina

Date: April 2018

Effect and Recognition of a Foreign Adoption Decree

This issue is not addressed in the statutes reviewed.

Readoption After an Intercountry Adoption

Citation: Gen. Stat. § 48-2-205

When a child has been previously adopted in a foreign country by petitioners seeking to readopt the child under the laws of North Carolina, the adoption order entered in the foreign country may be accepted in lieu of the consent of the biological parent or parents or the guardian of the child to the readoption. A man and a woman who adopted a minor child in a foreign country while married to one another must readopt jointly, regardless of whether they have since divorced. If either parent does not join in the petition, he or she must be joined as a necessary party.

Application for a U.S. Birth Certificate

Citation: Gen. Stat. §§ 130A-108; 48-9-107(a)

In the case of an adopted person born in a foreign country and residing in this State at the time of application, the State registrar shall prepare a certificate of identification for the person upon the presentation of a certified copy of the original birth certificate from the country of birth and a certified copy of the final order of adoption.

In the case of an adopted person born in a foreign country and readopted in this State, the State registrar shall prepare a certificate of identification for that person upon receipt of a report of that adoption from the Division of Social Services. The certificate shall contain the same information required by § 48-9-107(a) for persons adopted in this State, except the country of birth shall be specified in lieu of the State of birth.

The new certificate shall contain:

  • The adopted person's full adoptive name, sex, country, and date of birth
  • The full name of the adoptive father, if applicable
  • The full maiden name of the adoptive mother, if applicable
  • Any other pertinent information consistent with this section as may be determined by the State Registrar