Review and Expunction of Central Registries and Reporting Records - District of Columbia
Right of the Reported Person to Review and Challenge Records
Citation: Ann. Code §§ 4-1302.05; 4-1302.06
The staff that maintains the Child Protection Register shall, within 7 days from the date that a report is entered in the register, give notice to each person identified in the report that the report identifies him or her as responsible for the alleged abuse or neglect of the child who is the subject of the report.
This notice shall include the following information:
- The date that the report identifying the person was entered in the Child Protection Register
- The right of the person to review the entire report, except information that identifies other persons mentioned in the report
- The administrative procedures through which the person may seek to correct information that he or she alleges is incorrect or to establish that the report is unfounded
The Mayor shall establish, by rules adopted pursuant to § 2-501, et seq., procedures to permit a person identified in the Child Protection Register to challenge information that he or she alleges is incorrect or establish that a report is unfounded.
When Records Must Be Expunged
Citation: Ann. Code § 4-1302.07
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, substantiated reports shall not be expunged from the Child Protection Register.
The staff that maintains the Child Protection Register shall expunge from each inconclusive report all information that identifies any person in the inconclusive report upon the first occurrence of either:
- The 18th birthday of the child who is the subject of the report, if there is no reasonable suspicion or evidence that another child living in the same household or under the care of the same parent, guardian, or custodian has been abused or neglected
- The end of the 5th year after the termination of the social rehabilitation services directed toward the abuse and neglect
The staff that maintains the Child Protection Register shall expunge the following:
- Any unfounded report immediately upon such classification by the agency
- Any material successfully challenged as incorrect pursuant to the rules adopted under § 4-1302.06