Review and Expunction of Central Registries and Reporting Records - Alaska

Date: May 2018

Right of the Reported Person to Review and Challenge Records

Citation: Child Prot. Serv. Man. §

An individual who disagrees with a decision made by the Department of Health and Social Services that the person has a substantiated finding of child maltreatment may request a review by the Office of Administrative Hearings.

Once the department completes the safety assessment and the risk assessment, a maltreatment finding must be made. If the finding is substantiated, the department will send a notice of the decision to the child's parents and/or legal caregivers. The department also will send each alleged perpetrator a certified letter of notice of alleged maltreatment decision and placement on the child protection registry that advises of the findings and the outcome of the initial assessment. The notice letter informs the alleged perpetrator of the appeal process and the right to appeal the finding within 30 days from when the letter was certified. If certified, the returned certified receipt must be placed in the file subsequent to closure. The notice also must include the following:

  • Recommendations and/or service resources as indicated for all cases with a substantiated finding and when there are no impending safety threats
  • A summary of any services that have been offered or provided during the initial assessment, regardless of the finding

When Records Must Be Expunged

This issue is not addressed in the statutes and regulations reviewed.