Regulation of Private Domestic Adoption Expenses - Washington

Date: May 2022

Birth Parent Expenses Allowed

Citation: Rev. Code § 9A.64.030(2)(f)

A person receiving a child for adoption is permitted to pay the following:

  • The prenatal hospital or medical expenses involved in the birth of the child
  • Attorneys' fees and court costs involved in effectuating transfer of child custody

Birth Parent Expenses Not Allowed

This issue is not addressed in the statutes reviewed.

Allowable Payments for Arranging Adoption

This issue is not addressed in the statutes reviewed.

Allowable Payments for Relinquishing Child

Citation: Rev. Code § 9A.64.030(1)

It is unlawful for any person to sell or purchase a minor child.

Allowable Fees Charged by Department/Agency

Citation: Rev. Code §§ 26.33.190(4); 26.33.200(2)

An agency, the department, or a court-approved individual may charge a reasonable fee based on the time spent in conducting the home study and preparing the preplacement report. The court may set a reasonable fee for conducting the study and preparing the report when a court employee has prepared the report. An agency, the department, a court-approved individual, or the court may reduce or waive the fee if the financial condition of the person requesting the report so warrants.

A fee may be charged for preparation of the postplacement report in the same manner as for a preplacement report.

Accounting of Expenses Required by Court

Citation: Rev. Code § 26.33.190(4)

The fee charged by an agency, department, or court-approved individual is subject to review by the court upon request of the person requesting the report.