Providing Adoptive Parents With Information About Adoptees and Their Birth Families - Texas

Date: August 2020

Agency or Person Preparing the Report

Citation: Family Code § 162.005

The Department of Family and Protective Services, a licensed child-placing agency, or the child's parent or guardian shall compile a report on the available health, social, educational, and genetic histories of the child to be adopted.

If the child has been placed for adoption by a person or entity other than the department, a licensed child-placing agency, or the child's parent or guardian, it is the duty of the person or entity who places the child for adoption to prepare the report.

Contents of Report About the Adopted Person

Citation: Family Code § 162.007

The health history of the child must include information about the following:

  • The child's health status at the time of placement
  • The child's birth, neonatal, and other medical, psychological, psychiatric, and dental history information
  • A record of immunizations for the child
  • The available results of medical, psychological, psychiatric, and dental examinations of the child

The social history of the child must include information, to the extent known, about past and existing relationships between the child and the child's siblings, parents by birth, extended family, and other persons who have had physical possession of or legal access to the child.

The educational history of the child must include, to the extent known, information about the following:

  • The enrollment and performance of the child in educational institutions
  • Results of educational testing and standardized tests for the child
  • Special educational needs, if any, of the child

The report shall include a history of physical, sexual, or emotional abuse suffered by the child, if any.

Contents of Report About the Birth Family

Citation: Family Code § 162.007

The genetic history of the child must include a description of the child's birth parents and their parents, any other child born to either of the child's parents, and extended family members and must include, to the extent the information is available, the following information about the child's birth parents:

  • Their health and medical histories, including any genetic diseases and disorders
  • Their health statuses at the time of placement
  • The causes of and their ages at death
  • Their height, weight, eye color, and hair color
  • Their nationalities and ethnic backgrounds
  • Their general levels of educational and professional achievements, if any
  • Their religious backgrounds, if any
  • Any psychological, psychiatric, or social evaluations, including the dates of the evaluations, any diagnoses, and a summary of any findings
  • Any criminal conviction records relating to a misdemeanor or felony classified as an offense against the person or family or public indecency, or a felony violation of a statute intended to control the possession or distribution of a substance
  • Any information necessary to determine whether the child is entitled to or otherwise eligible for State or Federal financial, medical, or other assistance

When the Report Is Made

Citation: Family Code § 162.005

The report must be prepared before placing a child for adoption. The person or entity that places the child for adoption shall provide the prospective adoptive parents a copy of the report as early as practicable before the first meeting of the adoptive parents with the child.

Exceptions for Stepparent or Relative Adoptions

Citation: Family Code § 162.005

This section does not apply to an adoption by the child's grandparent; aunt or uncle by birth, marriage, or prior adoption; or stepparent.