Plans of Safe Care Infants With Prenatal Substance Exposure and Their Families - Idaho
This issue is not addressed in the statutes and regulations reviewed.
Notification/Reporting Requirements
This issue is not addressed in the statutes and regulations reviewed.
Assessment of the Infant and Family
Citation: Child Welfare Stds., Intake Screening
When an infant tests positive for alcohol at birth and/or a mother tests positive for alcohol at the birth of her baby, and there are concerns the infant may meet the requirement for a fetal alcohol spectrum disorder diagnosis (as characterized by facial characteristics, growth restriction, or other birth defects caused by prenatal alcohol use), the Division of Child and Family Services will assess the threat to the infant and the family's ability to care for the needs of the infant.
Responsibility for Development of the Plan of Safe Care
This issue is not addressed in the statutes and regulations reviewed.
Services for the Infant
This issue is not addressed in the statutes and regulations reviewed.
Services for the Parents or Other Caregivers
This issue is not addressed in the statutes and regulations reviewed.
Monitoring Plans of Safe Care
This issue is not addressed in the statutes and regulations reviewed.