Episode 46: Prevention - Evaluating Prevention Programs
Length: 35:49
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The variety and amount of data gathered from prevention efforts can help agencies understand the strengths, weaknesses, and impacts of their programs. Challenges can arise from attempting to bring all the quantitative and qualitative data together to paint a clear picture of a program’s effectiveness. Episode 46: Prevention - Evaluating Prevention Programs explores a series of evaluation and assessment tools to review and monitor one prevention-focused program across an entire State.
In Kentucky, the Community Collaborations for Children (CCC) program supports families and communities in two distinct ways: Through in-home services for families struggling to meet the challenges of parenting and a network of 17 regional community partners who tackle child abuse issues in their community. Kentucky’s Division of Protection and Permanency operates CCC and conducts evaluations to measure its impact on the families it serves and gather data to help each region improve their services.
Episode 46: Prevention - Evaluating Prevention Programs is part of a series focusing on Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention (CBCAP) grantees. CBCAP grantees are in a unique position of leadership because they assume responsibility for directing, leading, and evaluating the network of public-private partnerships and the continuum of preventive services for children and families in their States. Listen as grantees detail how States work to ensure prevention is considered when funding grants, developing policy, and delivering services tailored to meet region-specific needs.
This episode complements "Prevention - Evaluating Statewide Prevention," an episode that shares how California compares diverse prevention programs and resources applied across all its counties to evaluate prevention efforts from a statewide perspective.
The following individuals are featured in this episode:
- Belina Turner, Division of Protection and Permanency, Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services
- Lynne Mason, Division of Protection and Permanency, Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services
Topics discussed include the following:
- The types of tools used to evaluate the CCC program
- Examples of how detailed demographic and family assessment data provide a more genuine picture of a family
- Working with regions and agencies to transition from a peer-exchange approach to data-driven continuous quality improvement