Episode 30: Casework: What it Really Takes

Date: October 2018

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Transcript:   cwig_podcast_casework_transcript.pdf   [PDF, 141 KB]

Are you ready for your first day as a caseworker?
What are the challenges you will face, and how can you adapt to meet them?

These are questions new caseworkers may be faced with very quickly as they embark on a career in child welfare. The desire and passion to help children and families is admirable, but performing the roles required of caseworkers takes hard work and can be emotionally taxing. 'Casework: What it Really Takes' provides future and new caseworkers guidance and tips on how to perform the work, along with examples from former caseworkers of how they managed their time, energy, and emotion.

This episode, 'Casework: What it Really Takes', features a conversation with three former caseworkers who are current staff members of Child Welfare Information Gateway—Marla Belian, child welfare program manager, out of home care; Kelly Canter, discretionary grants manager; and Kari Kryda, child welfare content specialist—in which they share their insight and perspective. Some of the topics discussed include:

  • Key lessons on approaching families, managing caseloads, and maintaining professionalism
  • The value of cross-agency partnerships and how to develop and maintain them
  • How managers can best support new caseworkers