Educational Supports for Youth in Foster Care - Oklahoma

Date: April 2020

Support for Completing High School

This issue is not addressed in the statutes and regulations reviewed.

Planning for Postsecondary Education

This issue is not addressed in the statutes and regulations reviewed.

Eligibility Requirements

Citation: Ann. Stat. Tit. 10A, § 1-9-107; Tit. 70, § 3230; Admin. Code § 340:75-6-110

An individual is eligible to receive services for the transition of the child to a successful adulthood from age 14 until age 18, during the time the individual is in the custody of the department or a federally recognized Indian Tribe and in an out-of-home placement.

Successful adulthood services may continue to age 21, provided the individual is in the custody of the department or a federally recognized Indian Tribe due to abuse or neglect and is in an out-of-home placement at the time of the individual's 18th birthday.

Individuals who are age 16 or older and who have been released from the custody of the Department of Human Services (DHS) or a federally recognized Indian Tribe due to the entry of an adoption decree or guardianship order are eligible to receive successful adulthood services until age 21.

To be eligible for a waiver of tuition for the first semester or other academic unit of postsecondary enrollment, a student shall meet the following criteria:

  • Be an individual who, within the past 3 years, has been in the custody of the department for any 9 of the 24 months after the individual's 16th birthday and before the individual's 18th birthday
  • Be a resident of this State
  • Have graduated within the previous 3 years from a high school accredited by the State Board of Education; the Oklahoma School of Science and Mathematics; or, upon approval of the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, a public high school in a State bordering Oklahoma in which the student enrolled with approval of the State Board of Education; or have completed general educational development (GED) requirements
  • Have satisfied admission standards, as determined by the State regents for first-time entering students for the appropriate type of institution
  • Have secured admission to, and enrolled in, an institution that is a member of the Oklahoma State System of Higher Education or a postsecondary vocational-technical program

To retain eligibility for a waiver of tuition while pursuing the program of higher learning in which enrolled, the student shall do both of the following:

  • Maintain good academic standing and satisfactory academic progress according to standards of the State regents
  • Comply with the standards related to maintenance of eligibility as promulgated by the State regents

In regulation: The Independent Living program serves the following individuals:

  • Youth age 14 through 17 who are in an out-of-home placement and in DHS legal custody or the custody of a federally recognized Indian Tribe
  • Young adults age 18, 19, and 20 years of age to whom either of the following apply:
    • Were in an out-of-home placement while in DHS or Tribal custody on his or her 18th birthday
    • Entered a guardianship or adoption after age 14 to achieve permanency and who have not yet reached his or her 21st birthday
  • Young adults age 21 and 22 who on their 21st birthday were participating in the Education and Training Voucher program

Financial Supports for Postsecondary Programs

Citation: Ann. Stat. Tit. 70, § 3230

Students who are pursuing studies in this State leading to an associate or baccalaureate degree or who are pursuing studies in a postsecondary vocational-technical program or course offered pursuant to a duly approved cooperative agreement between an area vocational-technical school and an institution of the Oklahoma State System of Higher Education, and who are in good academic standing in the institution of higher education or vocational-technical school in which enrolled, shall be eligible for a waiver of either of the following:

  • Undergraduate resident tuition at institutions within the Oklahoma State System of Higher Education
  • Resident tuition for enrollment in postsecondary programs of the area vocational-technical districts

Students shall be eligible for such waivers up to age 26 or completion of the requirements for a baccalaureate degree, whichever comes first. Students shall be eligible for such waivers up to age 26 or earn a program certificate, whichever comes first.