Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 - P.L. 109-171

Date: February 2006


S. 1932
Enacted February 8, 2006

Major Provisions of the Act

  • Prohibited access to Medicaid to an individual who declares they are a U.S. citizen unless one type of specified documentary evidence of U.S. citizenship or nationality is presented, with certain classes being exempted from this requirement (Note: Children in foster care and children receiving title IV-E adoption assistance were later exempted from this requirement by P.L. 109-432.)
  • Replaced incentive bonuses to States for a decrease in the illegitimacy rate with healthy marriage promotion and responsible fatherhood grants and designated the use of funds for the following:
    • Demonstration projects designed to test the effectiveness of Tribal governments or consortia in coordinating the provision of child welfare services to Tribal families at risk of child abuse or neglect
    • Activities promoting responsible fatherhood
  • Prescribed the contents of applications for Court Improvement Program grants, including grants for improved data collection and training, and made appropriations for fiscal year (FY) 2006-2010 for grants intended to achieve the following:
    • Ensure the safety, permanence, and well-being needs of children are met in a timely and complete manner
    • Provide for the training of judges, attorneys, and other legal personnel in child welfare cases
  • Required that courts and agencies demonstrate meaningful collaboration in child welfare services programs
  • Permitted States to allow public access to certain State court child welfare proceedings
  • Authorized appropriations for FY 2006 for the Promoting Safe and Stable Families program
  • Specified criteria under which States may receive Federal matching funds for allowable administrative expenses for children who are candidates for foster care, living in unallowable facilities, or placed with unlicensed relatives
  • Clarified the home of removal for Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) purposes when determining the eligibility of a child for title IV-E foster care maintenance payments and revised adoption assistance eligibility criteria to require AFDC at the time of the child's removal from the specified relative's home only