Cross-Reporting Among Agencies That Respond to Child Abuse and Neglect - Iowa

Date: February 2021

Cross-Reporting Between Child Protective Services and Law Enforcement

Citation: Ann. Code § 232.70(5), (7), (9), (10)

Upon receipt of a report, the Department of Human Services shall do all the following:

  • Immediately make a determination as to whether the report constitutes an allegation of child abuse as defined in § 232.68
  • Notify the appropriate county attorney of the receipt of the report

If the report is made to any agency other than the department, such agency shall promptly refer the report to the department.

If a report would be determined to constitute an allegation of child abuse as defined under § 232.68(2)(a), (3), or (5), except that the suspected abuse resulted from the acts or omissions of a person other than a person responsible for the care of the child, the department shall refer the report to the appropriate law enforcement agency having jurisdiction to investigate the allegation. The department shall refer the report orally as soon as practicable and in writing within 72 hours of receiving the report.

If the department has reasonable cause to believe that a child under the placement, care, or supervision of the department is, or is at risk of becoming, a sex trafficking victim, the department shall do all the following:

  • Identify the child as a sex trafficking victim or at risk of becoming a sex trafficking victim and include documentation in the child's department records
  • Refer the child for appropriate services
  • Refer the child identified as a sex trafficking victim, within 24 hours, to the appropriate law enforcement agency having jurisdiction to investigate the allegation

Other Reporting Requirements

This issue is not addressed in the statutes and regulations reviewed.