Concurrent Planning for Timely Permanency for Children - Connecticut

Date: August 2021

Defining Concurrent Planning

Citation: Gen. Stat. § 17a-110a(b)

Concurrent permanency planning involves a planning process to identify permanent placements and prospective adoptive parents so that when termination of parental rights is granted by the court pursuant to § 17a-112 or § 45a-717, permanent placement or adoption proceedings may commence immediately.

State Approaches to Concurrent Planning

Citation: Gen. Stat. § 17a-110a

In order to achieve early permanency for children, decrease children's length of stay in foster care, reduce the number of moves children experience in foster care, and reduce the amount of time between termination of parental rights and adoption, the Commissioner of Children and Families shall establish a program for concurrent permanency planning.

The commissioner shall establish guidelines and protocols for child-placing agencies involved in concurrent permanency planning, including criteria for conducting concurrent permanency planning based on relevant factors such as the following:

  • The age of the child and duration of out-of-home placement
  • The prognosis for successful reunification with parents
  • Availability of relatives and other concerned individuals to provide support or a permanent placement for the child
  • The special needs of the child
  • Other factors affecting the child's best interests, goals of concurrent permanency planning, support services that are available for families, permanency options, and the consequences of not complying with case plans

Within 6 months of out-of-home placement, the Department of Children and Families shall complete an assessment of the likelihood of the child being reunited with either or both birth parents, based on progress made to date. The department shall develop a concurrent permanency plan for families with poor prognosis for reunification within such time period. Such assessment and concurrent permanency plan shall be filed with the court.

Concurrent permanency programs must include involvement of the parents and full disclosure of their rights and responsibilities.