Who May Adopt, Be Adopted, or Place a Child for Adoption - Michigan
Date: January 2020
Who May Adopt
Citation: Comp. Laws §§ 710.24; 710.41
The following persons may adopt:
- Any person
- A person together with his or her spouse, if married
- A person who is married to the person who has legal custody of the child
Who May Be Adopted
Citation: Comp. Laws § 710.24
Any child or adult may be adopted.
Who May Place a Child for Adoption
Citation: Comp. Laws §§ 710.23a, 710.23b, 710.23c
A child may be placed by any of the following:
- A parent or guardian having legal and physical custody
- A child-placing agency having legal and physical custody
- The department having legal and physical custody
- A court having legal and physical custody