Use of Advertising and Facilitators in Adoptive Placements - North Dakota

Date: July 2020

Use of Advertisement

Citation: Cent. Code §§ 23-16-08; 50-11-06; 50-19-11; 50-12-17

No hospital providing maternity care may in any way advertise that it will give children for adoption or hold itself out, directly or indirectly, as being able to dispose of children; however, such hospitals may inform an unmarried mother of child-placing agencies licensed by the Department of Human Services.

No facility licensed to provide foster care may advertise children for adoption or be held out, directly or indirectly, as being able to dispose of children, without first being licensed to do so under chapter 50-12.

No licensed maternity home may in any way offer to advertise that it will give children for adoption, in any way offer to place a child, or hold itself out, directly or indirectly, as being able to place children for adoption, but may inform a mother of licensed child-placing agencies.

A person may not advertise, without a license from the Department of Human Services to do so, in any public medium (1) that the person knows of a child who is available for adoption, (2) that the person is willing to accept a child for adoption, or (3) that the person knows of prospective adoptive parents for a child.

Use of Intermediaries/Facilitators

Citation: Cent. Code § 50-12-17

A person may not place or cause to be placed any child for adoption in a family home without a license to do so from the department, except that a parent, upon giving written notice to the department, may place his or her child in the home of the child's parent, stepparent, grandparent, adult brother or sister, adult uncle or aunt, or guardian for adoption by the person receiving the child.