Providing Adoptive Parents With Information About Adoptees and Their Birth Families - Washington

Date: August 2020

Agency or Person Preparing the Report

Citation: Rev. Code §§ 26.33.350; 26.33.380

A medical and family social history report shall be made by any person, firm, society, association, corporation, or State agency receiving, securing a home for, or otherwise caring for a minor child.

Contents of Report About the Adopted Person

Citation: Rev. Code §§ 26.33.350; 26.33.380

The report to the prospective adopting parent shall include complete medical report containing all known and available information concerning the disabilities of the child. Where known or available, the information provided shall include the following:

  • A review of the child's previous medical history, including the child's x rays, examinations, hospitalizations, and immunizations
  • A physical exam of the child by a licensed physician with appropriate laboratory tests and x rays
  • A referral to a specialist, if indicated
  • A written copy of the evaluation with recommendations to the adoptive family receiving the report

A family background and child and family social history report shall also be provided. This report shall include a chronological history of the circumstances surrounding the adoptive placement and any available psychiatric reports, psychological reports, court reports pertaining to dependency or custody, or school reports. Such reports or information shall not reveal the identities of the birth parents of the child but shall contain reasonably available nonidentifying information.

Entities and persons obligated to provide information under this section shall make reasonable efforts to locate records and information concerning the child's disabilities or the child's family background and social history. The entities or persons providing the information have no duty, beyond providing the information, to explain or interpret the records or information regarding the child's present or future health.

Contents of Report About the Birth Family

Citation: Rev. Code §§ 26.33.350; 26.33.380

Where known or available, the information provided shall include a review of the birth family's medical history. The report shall not reveal the identity of the birth parent of the child, except as authorized under this chapter, but shall include any known or available mental or physical health history of the birth parent that needs to be known by the adoptive parent to facilitate proper health care for the child or that will assist the adoptive parent in maximizing the developmental potential of the child.

When the Report Is Made

Citation: Rev. Code §§ 26.33.350; 26.33.380

The report shall be transmitted to the prospective adopting parent prior to placement, and it shall be made available to all persons with whom a child has been placed by adoption.

Exceptions for Stepparent or Relative Adoptions

This issue is not addressed in the statutes reviewed.