Providing Adoptive Parents With Information About Adoptees and Their Birth Families - Utah

Date: August 2020

Agency or Person Preparing the Report

Citation: Ann. Code § 78B-6-143

The person who proceeded on behalf of the petitioner for adoption, or a child-placing agency if an agency is involved in the adoption, shall file a report with the Office of Vital Records and Vital Statistics within the Department of Health.

Contents of Report About the Adopted Person

Citation: Ann. Code §§ 78B-6-143; 78B-6-103

The report shall include a detailed health history and genetic and social histories of the adopted child. The health history will include a comprehensive report of the adopted child's health status at the time of placement for adoption, as well as medical information that will include neonatal, psychological, physiological, and medical care histories.

The report may not contain identifying information or any information that identifies the adopted child's birth parents or members of their families.

Contents of Report About the Birth Family

Citation: Ann. Code §§ 78B-6-143; 78B-6-103

The genetic and social histories will provide comprehensive information, when obtainable, on the adopted child's birth parents, aunts, uncles, and grandparents, including the following:

  • Medical histories
  • Health status
  • Causes of and ages at death
  • Height, weight, eye color, and hair color
  • Ethnic origins
  • Where appropriate, levels of education and professional achievement
  • Religion, if any

When the Report Is Made

Citation: Ann. Code § 78B-6-143

The report shall be filed upon finalization of an adoption.

Exceptions for Stepparent or Relative Adoptions

This issue is not addressed in the statutes reviewed.