Promoting Safe and Stable Families Amendments of 2001 - P.L. 107-133
Date: January 2002
H.R. 2873
Enacted January 17, 2002
Major Provisions of the Act
- Amended title IV-B, subpart 2, of the Social Security Act
- Added findings to illustrate the need for programs addressing families at risk for abuse and neglect and those adopting children from foster care
- Amended the definition of family preservation services to include infant safe haven programs
- Added strengthening parental relationships and promoting healthy marriages to the list of allowable activities
- Added new focus areas to the research, evaluation, and technical assistance activities
- Allowed unused funds in title IV-B, subpart 2, to be reallocated
- Created a matching grant program to support mentoring networks for children of prisoners
- Reauthorized funds for the Court Improvement Program
- Authorized a voucher program as part of the John H. Chafee Foster Care Independence Program to provide for education and training, including postsecondary training and education, to youth who have aged out of foster care