Postadoption Contact Agreements Between Birth and Adoptive Families

Date: August 2018
Postadoption Contact Agreements Between Birth and Adoptive Families

Series Title: State Statutes Series

Author(s): Information Gateway

Year Published: 2019

File Size: 551 KB

Current Through: 08-31-2018

Download Publication Postadoption Contact Agreements Between Birth and Adoptive Families (PDF 551 KB)

Postadoption contact agreements are arrangements that allow contact between a child's adoptive family and members of the child's birth family after the child's adoption has been finalized. These arrangements, sometimes referred to as cooperative adoption or open adoption agreements, can range from informal, mutual understandings between the birth and adoptive families to written, formal contracts. Topics covered include the contents of agreements; parties to agreements; the court's role; and enforcing, modifying, and terminating agreements. This publication presents a general overview of this asp

This publication is a product of the State Statutes Series prepared by Child Welfare Information Gateway. While every attempt has been made to be as complete as possible, additional information on these topics may be in other sections of a State's code as well as agency regulations, case law, and informal practices and procedures.

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