Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect - Puerto Rico

Date: May 2023

Professionals Required to Report
Citation: Ann. Laws Tit. 8, § 1131

All persons shall be required to immediately report cases of actual or suspected child maltreatment.

Training Requirements for Mandatory Reporters

Citation: Ann. Laws Tit. 8, § 445d

The Department of the Family shall develop and implement a continuing training program for employees who provide services to families. The program shall include the matters of prevention, investigation, evaluation, and handling of situations of abuse, among others. The department shall also develop and implement educational and orientation programs for personnel and officials who are required to report.

Reporting by Other Persons
Citation: Ann. Laws Tit. 8, § 1131

Any person who has knowledge of or suspects that a minor is a victim of abuse or neglect must report. 

Institutional Responsibility to Report

This issue is not addressed in the statutes reviewed. 

Standards for Making a Report
Citation: Ann. Laws Tit. 8, § 1131

A report is required when either of the following apply:

  • A person has knowledge of actual or suspected child abuse, institutional abuse, neglect, and/or institutional neglect or knows that a child is at risk of being a victim of maltreatment.
  • A person who, in the performance of their professional responsibilities or employment, has knowledge of or watches any film, photograph, videotape, negative, or slide that depicts a minor involved in a sexual activity.

Privileged Communications
Citation: Ann. Laws Tit. 8, § 1144

There shall be no privileged communications in proceedings for child abuse, institutional abuse, neglect, and/or institutional neglect under this chapter, except between an attorney and their client. Privileged communications, excluding attorney-client communications, shall not constitute grounds for failing to provide reports such as those required or allowed by this chapter, to cooperate with protective services for the minor, or to accept or introduce evidence in any judicial proceedings related to the child abuse, institutional abuse, neglect, and/or institutional neglect.

Inclusion of the Reporter's Name in the Report

The reporter is not specifically required by statute to provide their name in the report. 

Disclosure of the Reporter's Identity
Citation: Ann. Laws Tit. 8, § 446d

The subject of the report shall be entitled to request in writing from the department a copy of the information found in the central registry referring to their case. The department shall furnish the information, provided this does not go against the best interests of the minor and that the necessary steps be taken to protect the confidentiality of the person who in good faith reported the case or cooperated during its investigation.