Intestate Inheritance Rights for Adopted Children - Pennsylvania

Date: February 2016

Birth Parents in Relation to Adopted Person

Citation: Cons. Stat. Tit. 20, §§ 2108; 2514

An adopted person shall not be considered as continuing to be the child of his or her birth parents except in distributing the estate of a birth kin, other than the birth parent, who has maintained a family relationship with the adopted person. If a birth parent shall have married the adopting parent, the adopted person for purposes of inheritance by, from and through him also shall be considered the issue of such birth parent.

Adoptive Parents in Relation to Adopted Person

Citation: Cons. Stat. Tit. 20, §§ 2108; 2514

For purposes of inheritance by, from, and through an adopted person, he or she shall be considered the issue of his or her adopting parent or parents.

Adopted Persons Who Are Not Included in a Will

Citation: Cons. Stat. Tit. 20, § 2507

If the testator fails to provide in his or her will for a child who was adopted after he or she made his or her will, unless it appears from the will that the failure was intentional, such child shall receive out of the estate such share as he or she would have received if the testator had died unmarried and intestate, except for the portion of the estate that is passed to a surviving spouse.