Immunity for Persons Who Report Child Abuse and Neglect - Louisiana

Date: January 2023

Immunity for Making Reports

Citation: Children's Code Art. 611(A)

No cause of action shall exist against any person who makes a report in good faith. Such individuals shall have immunity from civil or criminal liability that otherwise might be incurred or imposed.

Additional Provisions of Immunity

Citation: Children's Code Art. 611(A)

No cause of action shall exist against any of the following:

  • A person who in good faith cooperates in any investigation arising because of their report or participates in judicial proceedings authorized under the provisions of this chapter
  • A caseworker who in good faith conducts an investigation, makes an investigative judgment or disposition, or releases or uses information contained in the State repository or central registry for the purpose of protecting a child

Such individuals shall have immunity from civil or criminal liability that otherwise might be incurred or imposed.

Limitations to Immunity

Citation: Children's Code Art. 611(B)

This immunity shall not be extended to the following:

  • Any alleged principal, conspirator, or accessory to an offense involving the abuse or neglect of the child
  • Any person who makes a report known to be false or with reckless disregard for the truth of the report