Establishment and Maintenance of Central Registries for Child Abuse or Neglect Reports - Delaware
Citation: Ann. Code Tit. 16, § 921
The Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families shall maintain a child protection registry.
Citation: Ann. Code Tit. 16, § 921
The primary purpose of the registry is to protect children and to ensure the safety of children in child care, health-care, and public educational facilities.
Citation: Ann. Code Tit. 16, § 921
The registry will contain information about persons who have been substantiated for abuse or neglect as provided in this subchapter or who were substantiated between August 1, 1994, and February 1, 2003.
Citation: Ann. Code Tit. 16, § 922
The registry must indicate 'substantiated for abuse' or 'substantiated for neglect' and the child protection level as designated in § 923 for any person to whom any of the following apply:
- Has been convicted of any criminal offense set out in § 923 of this subchapter or any equivalent offense in another State, based on the same incident of abuse or neglect on which the substantiation proceeding is premised
- Has been found by the family court in a child welfare proceeding, by a preponderance of evidence, to have abused or neglected a child
- Fails to make a timely, written request for a hearing as provided in § 924(a)(2) after being given notice by the department of its intent to substantiate the person for abuse or neglect and enter the person in the registry
- Is entered in the registry by court order in a proceeding on a petition for substantiation
- Was substantiated for abuse or neglect between August 1, 1994, and February 1, 2003