Episode 48: Changing the Face of Foster Care
Length: 37:39
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Transcript: cwig_podcast_transcript_episode_48.pdf [PDF, 133 KB]
How can child welfare agencies, Federal partners, judicial and legal entities, and community organizations shift both the perception and application of foster care to one that supports families? This episode discusses support for systemic change across child welfare systems: where foster care is viewed as a last resort for families facing challenges in maintaining safe and stable homes for children and youth.
This episode explains the Federal Government's role in facilitating community-based collaboration to support families. The conversation also focuses on increasing awareness of the needs of children, youth, and families involved in foster care, along with the value of ensuring foster care is used as a support for families instead of a substitute for parents.
Topics discussed include the following:
- Changing the misconceptions regarding children, youth, and families impacted by foster care
- The importance of Title IV-E Reimbursement for legal services for parents, children, and youth
- How the Federal Government supports community-based prevention efforts
- The issues and trends State and local child welfare agencies are sharing with the Children's Bureau