Episode 3: Interagency Collaboration to Address Human Trafficking
Transcript: cw_podcast_collaborating_to_address_human_trafficking.pdf [PDF, 135 KB]
The growing emphasis on recognizing, addressing, and preventing human trafficking is an emerging issue challenging many government and human service agencies. Child welfare is especially affected because children and youth placed in out-of-home care due to abuse and neglect, along with runaway and homeless youth, are at high risk of trafficking.
Effectively addressing human trafficking requires agencies to collaborate on providing judicial, therapeutic, and prevention services. This podcast episode, 'Interagency Collaboration to Address Human Trafficking', features the Miami CARES project. Funded through a Children's Bureau grant, the Miami CARES project brings more than 10 government and community agencies within Miami-Dade (FL) County together to forge a collaborative, systemic approach to identifying minors who are, or are at risk of becoming, victims of human trafficking.
The discussion covers how the project identifies victims; provides therapeutic services; brings juvenile justice agencies, the State's attorney office, and public defenders together for a common cause; and sustains communication and collaboration between agencies.
The podcast features the following individuals:
- Yinay Ruiz, who is affiliated with Our Kids of Miami-Dade County and is the project manager of the Miami CARES project
- Dr. Kimberly McGrath, Psy.D., who is affiliated with the Citrus Health Network and is the clinical coordinator of the Citrus Helping Adolescents Negatively impacted by Commercial Exploitation (CHANCE) Program
- Hon. Maria Sampedro-Iglesia, who is the associate administrative judge within the 11th Judicial District of Florida and presides over the G.R.A.C.E. Court (Growth Renewed through Acceptance, Change and Empowerment) (PDF - 323 KB)
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