Educational Supports for Youth in Foster Care - Colorado

Date: April 2020

Support for Completing High School

Citation: Code of Regs. 12 CCR 2509-4, § 7.305.2

The youth, county department caseworker, provider(s), and other representatives of the youth, as appropriate, shall jointly develop a detailed, formal emancipation transition plan a minimum of 90 business days prior to the projected emancipation date of the youth. The plan shall include, but not be limited to, specific options for education, work force supports, and employment services.

Planning for Postsecondary Education

This issue is not addressed in the statutes and regulations reviewed.

Eligibility Requirements

Citation: Code of Regs. 12 CCR 2509-4, §§ 7.305.41; 7.305.42

The eligible population for the Chafee Foster Care Independence Program (CFCIP) includes the following:

  • Youth ages 14 to 21 currently in out-of-home care and in out-of-home care for a minimum of 6 months if younger than age 17; consecutive months are not required
  • Youth ages 18 to 21 who were in out-of-home care on or after their 18th birthday
  • Youth ages 16 to 21 who meet requirements for relative guardianship assistance and youth age 16 to 21 who meet requirements for adoption assistance or who met such requirements on or after their 16th birthday

The county department shall consider the following factors in the prioritization of Chafee services on an individual basis:

  • Risk or history of human trafficking
  • Risk or history of homelessness
  • Whether the youth has emancipated from child welfare placement or exited the Division of Youth Services after reaching age 18, or is expected to do so
  • Previous participation in Chafee services or transfer of services from another county or State
  • Enrollment and progress in educational programs, internships, or apprenticeships
  • Enrollment and progress in workforce innovation and opportunity act programs or workforce development activities
  • Connection to permanent, supportive adults and personal support systems

To be eligible for CFCIP services, the youth must meet the following requirements:

  • Meet target group eligibility requirements, in a nonsecure setting, with the Division of Youth Services or meet requirements for ongoing Chafee services in the State where the youth emancipated, was adopted, or entered relative guardianship, if other than Colorado
  • Be at risk of aging out of foster care, including youth who meet the following criteria:
    • Are age 14 to 21, currently in out-of-home care, and in out-of-home care for a minimum of 6 months if under age 17; consecutive months are not required
    • Are age 16 to 21 and meet requirements for relative guardianship assistance and entered relative guardianship on or after age 16
    • Are age 16 to 21 and meet requirements for adoption assistance and entered adoption assistance on or after age 16
  • Have a current family services plan or, for youth who entered into a relative guardianship or adoption assistance agreement at age 16 or older, the following in lieu of a family services plan:
    • The relative guardianship or adoption assistance agreement
    • The transition plan developed on or prior to the youth's 18th birthday
  • Participate on a voluntary basis
  • Follow the plan developed with the youth and the county department regarding participation in the CFCIP

Financial Supports for Postsecondary Programs

Citation: Rev. Stat. § 26-5-113(5); Code of Regs. 12 CCR 2509-4, § 7.305.43

State institutions of higher education and community colleges shall work with the county departments to explore ways to support youth formerly in foster care both financially and through other supportive services. This support includes reviewing the ability to provide tuition assistance and other fee waivers to youth formerly in foster care.

In regulation: The Education and Training Voucher program provides federally funded vouchers for postsecondary training and education to youth eligible for Chafee services in § 7.305.42.