Cross-Reporting Among Agencies That Respond to Child Abuse and Neglect - New Jersey

Date: February 2021

Cross-Reporting Between Child Protective Services and Law Enforcement

Citation: Ann. Stat. §§ 9:6-8.10a(e); 9:6-8.11

For incidents determined by the Department of Children and Families (DCF) to be substantiated, DCF shall forward to the police or law enforcement agency in whose jurisdiction the child named in the report resides the identities of the persons alleged to have committed child abuse or neglect and of the victims of child abuse or neglect, their addresses, the nature of the allegations, and other relevant information, including, but not limited to, prior reports of abuse or neglect and the names of siblings obtained by DCF during its investigation of a report of child abuse or neglect. The police or law enforcement agency shall keep such information confidential.

Upon receipt of any such report, the Division of Child Protection and Permanency (CP&P), or other such entity in DCF as may be designated by the commissioner to investigate child abuse or neglect, immediately shall take such action as shall be necessary to ensure the safety of the child and to that end may request and shall receive appropriate assistance from local and State law enforcement officials.

A representative of CP&P or other designated entity shall initiate an investigation within 24 hours of receipt of the report, unless CP&P or other entity authorizes a delay based upon the request of a law enforcement official. CP&P or other entity also shall forward a report of such matter within 72 hours to the child abuse registry operated by CP&P in Trenton.

Other Reporting Requirements

Citation: DCF Pol. Man. § CPP-II-C-5-600

Each of the military installations located in the State has established a Family Advocacy Program (FAP) to assist with allegations of child abuse or neglect as well as other matters related to assisting military personnel and their families. The FAP, operating at each military installation, serves as a central point of contact for CP&P regarding requests for information. Likewise, FAP may request information from CP&P regarding military personnel and their families and their involvement with CP&P, i.e., case status, service provision, etc.

Because FAP and military law enforcement authorities have legal authority to investigate allegations of child abuse and neglect on military installations and involving military personnel, CP&P may share case related information with those entities if such information is necessary for the conduct of their investigation.

Intake workers will notify FAP prior to responding to an on-base incident, or, if not practical, as soon as possible thereafter. Intake workers responding to allegations of abuse or neglect in military families not on an installation shall notify the applicable FAP of the incident as soon as possible after becoming aware that the allegation pertains to a military family.

CP&P and FAP will update each other on a regular basis on shared cases. In person meetings between CP&P and FAP are scheduled as needed. To protect the well-being of children involved in allegations or actual incidents of child abuse or neglect, initial interview/assessment information will be made available by CP&P and FAP, in writing, to minimize the negative impact of repeated interview/assessments regarding personal or traumatic matters.

Prior to closing a CP&P case, including closing a case at intake, the CP&P worker will notify FAP of CP&P's intent to close the case. FAP will advise CP&P and provide all vital information when a military employee or his or her family, who is in 'active CP&P case status' is to be relocated, reassigned, or discharged.