Cross-Reporting Among Agencies That Respond to Child Abuse and Neglect - Guam

Date: February 2021

Cross-Reporting Between Child Protective Services and Law Enforcement

Citation: Ann. Code Tit. 19, § 13203(b

Child Protective Services (CPS), immediately or as soon as practicably possible, shall report by telephone to the Guam Police Department and to the attorney general's office every known or suspected instance of child abuse, except acts or omissions coming under § 13101(t)(4) (concerning neglect). CPS also shall send a written report within 48 hours of receiving information concerning the incident to any agency to which it is required to make a telephone report.

The police department, immediately or as soon as practicably possible, shall report by telephone to CPS and to the attorney general's office every known or suspected instance of child abuse reported to it, except acts or omissions coming under § 13101(t)(4) (concerning neglect), which only shall be reported to CPS. However, the police department shall report to CPS every known or suspected instance of child abuse reported to it that is alleged to have occurred as a result of the inaction of a person responsible for the child's welfare to adequately protect the minor from abuse when such person knew or reasonably should have known that the minor was in danger of abuse. The police department also shall send a written report within 48 hours of receiving the information concerning the incident to any agency to which it is required to make a telephone report.

Other Reporting Requirements

Citation: Ann. Code Tit. 19, § 13203(b)

CPS and the police department, immediately or as soon as practicably possible, shall report to the appropriate Department of Defense family advocacy program by telephone every known or suspected instance of child abuse reported to them when such report involves active duty military personnel or their dependents.