Court Jurisdiction and Venue for Adoption Petitions - Utah

Date: January 2022


Citation: Ann. Code §§ 78B-6-105; 78A-6-103(2)(n)

Adoption proceedings shall be commenced by filing a petition with the district court.

The juvenile court has exclusive original jurisdiction in proceedings concerning adoptions when the juvenile court has previously entered an order terminating the rights of a parent and finds that adoption is in the best interests of the child.


Citation: Ann. Code § 78B-6-105

An adoption proceeding shall be commenced by filing a petition in the appropriate court, as follows:

  • The district court in the district where the prospective adoptive parent resides
  • If the prospective adoptive parent is not a resident of this State, the district court in the district to which one of the following applies:
    • Where the adoptee was born
    • Where the adoptee resides on the day the petition is filed
    • Where a parent of the proposed adoptee resides on the day the petition is filed
  • The juvenile court as provided in § 78A-6-103