Court Hearings for the Permanent Placement of Children
Series Title: State Statutes Series
Author(s): Information Gateway
Year Published: 2020
File Size: 346 KB
Current Through: 02-28-2020
Download Publication Court Hearings for the Permanent Placement of Children (PDF 346 KB)This publication summarizes State laws that mandate the type and frequency of court hearings that must be held to review the status of children placed in out-of-home care. At these hearings, the court reviews the efforts that have been made to address the family issues that necessitated the out-of-home placement as well as efforts to achieve permanency for the child. This document also lists the individuals who may attend the hearings and describes permanency options. This publication presents a general overview of this aspect of child welfare law. Summaries of laws on this topic for all individual States and U.S. territories are available from the State Statutes Search page.
This publication is a product of the State Statutes Series prepared by Child Welfare Information Gateway. While every attempt has been made to be as complete as possible, additional information on these topics may be in other sections of a State's code as well as agency regulations, case law, and informal practices and procedures.
This material may be freely reproduced and distributed. However, when doing so, please credit Child Welfare Information Gateway.