Concurrent Planning for Timely Permanency for Children - Ohio

Date: August 2021

Defining Concurrent Planning

Citation: CPS Pol. Man., Case Planning

From the Child Protective Services policy manual: Concurrent planning or supplemental planning (the term Ohio uses) means that the agency is working toward family reunification, while at the same time establishing an alternative permanency plan to be implemented if children cannot safely return to their parents. The primary plan is to get children and parents back together. However, at the same time, there is an alternative plan for the child to live in another permanent home in case the child cannot return to his or her own family.

State Approaches to Concurrent Planning

Citation: Rev. Code § 2151.412(J)(2); Admin. Code § 5101:2-38-05(Y)

Effective September 30, 2021: On and after January 1, 2023, a case plan for a child in temporary custody shall include a permanency plan for the child unless it is documented that such a plan would not be in the best interests of the child. The permanency plan shall describe the services the agency shall provide to achieve permanency for the child if reasonable efforts to return the child to the child's home, or eliminate the continued removal from that home, are unsuccessful. Those services shall be provided concurrently with reasonable efforts to return the child home or eliminate the child's continued removal from home.

In regulation: The public children's services agency may develop a supplemental plan for locating a permanent family placement for a child concurrently with reasonable efforts to preserve and reunify families. The supplemental plan shall not be considered a part of the case plan and does not require agreement or approval by the parties to the case plan. Any supplemental plan shall be discussed and reviewed with the parent, guardian, or custodian.