Case Planning for Families Involved With Child Welfare Agencies - Puerto Rico

Date: April 2018

When Case Plans Are Required

Citation: Ann. Laws Tit. 8, §§ 444i; 447s

A permanency plan must be drafted for each minor placed in a physical facility outside of his or her parental home, according to his or her specific needs and situation, subject to review by the review board. The plan must be established immediately after the removal of the child from his or her home.

Who May Participate in the Case Planning Process

Citation: Ann. Laws Tit. 8, § 444i

The Department of the Family is responsible for drafting the plan. The father, mother, or person responsible for the welfare of the minor must be allowed to attend the meetings and to participate when the case is reviewed.

Contents of a Case Plan

Citation: Ann. Laws Tit. 8, §§ 444; 447s

The term 'permanency plan' means the design and implementation of activities with the minor and his or her family geared to achieve the stability, safety, and best interests of the minor, taking into account the resources available.

The term 'service plan' means the systematic organization of the goals, objectives, and activities expressed within a timeframe that results from a process of information gathering and evaluation based on the strong points of the family to meet their needs and that gives direction to the social care of the minor and his or her family.

Department personnel shall make use of resources for the support of individuals, families, and the community, as well as internal and external resources of the department and other public and nongovernmental agencies, to improve the living conditions of families that may endanger the life and safety of a minor. The following elements may be included in the plan:

  • Services offered or provided by the department
  • Support services offered to facilitate the willingness of the family to receive the services to which they were referred
  • A plan for visiting set up for the father and/or mother and the minor
  • Timeframes for compliance with the service plan