Case Planning for Families Involved With Child Welfare Agencies - Kentucky
When Case Plans Are Required
Citation: Rev. Stat. § 620.230
For each child placed in the custody of the cabinet by an order of commitment, the cabinet shall file a case permanency plan for the child with the court and send a copy to the Administrative Office of the Courts Citizen Foster Care Review Board Program as soon as the plan is prepared but no later than 30 days after the effective date of the order.
If a child remains in the temporary custody of the cabinet for longer than 45 days and if a request is submitted by the Administrative Office of the Courts Citizen Foster Care Review Board Program, the cabinet shall provide a copy of the case permanency plan for the child.
Who May Participate in the Case Planning Process
Citation: Rev. Stat. § 620.230; Admin. Regs. Tit. 922, § 1:430
The cabinet must file a case permanency plan for each child placed in the custody of the cabinet.
In regulation: As part of the case-planning process, the cabinet will work with the family and other involved parties to identify conditions within a family that may cause the threat of harm to a child and that need to be changed and the services necessary to bring about familial changes in order to facilitate a child's safety and well-being in the home environment.
Contents of a Case Plan
Citation: Rev. Stat. § 620.230
The case permanency plan shall include, but need not be limited to, the following:
- A concise statement of the reasons why the child is in the custody of the cabinet
- The actions that have been taken with regard to the child
- The proposed actions that may be taken with regard to the child during the next 6 months and during the entire duration of the time the child is in the custody of the cabinet
- Contemplated placements for the child
- If the child is placed outside of the home, reasons why the child cannot be protected adequately in the home, the harms the child may suffer if left in the home, factors that may indicate when the child can be returned to the home, and efforts the cabinet or others are making to return the child to the home
- If the child is placed outside of the home, the steps that the cabinet will take to minimize the harm to the child as a result, both at the time of removal and on a long-term basis
- A description of the type of home or child care facility in which the child is to be placed or has been placed and why the placement is appropriate for the child
- If the placement is outside of the child's county of residence, documentation that no closer placement is appropriate or available and why the placement was chosen
- A description of the services to be provided for the child and his or her family to facilitate the return of the child to his or her own home or to another permanent placement
- A list of objectives and specific tasks, together with specific timeframes for each task, that the parents have agreed to assume, including a schedule of regular visits with the child
- A projected schedule of time intervals by which each of the services, objectives, and tasks outlined in the plan should be accomplished and a schedule of time intervals that have already been accomplished or are in the process of accomplishment
- If the child is to remain at home, reasons why he or she cannot be placed in foster care or why such care is not needed