Access to Adoption Records - Guam
Who May Access Information
Citation: Ann. Code Tit. 19, § 4217
Adoption records are accessible only to persons or agencies that have a legitimate interest in the adoption.
Access to Nonidentifying Information
Citation: Ann. Code Tit. 19, § 4217
Social records may be furnished to persons and agencies having a legitimate interest in the protection, welfare, and treatment of the child or in research studies, in such manner as the court determines. Social records include the social services records; social studies, reports, and related papers; and correspondence, including medical, psychological, and psychiatric studies and reports, either in the possession of the court or the Division of Social Services.
Mutual Access to Identifying Information
Citation: Ann. Code Tit. 19, § 4217
Access to information from the adoption record is available through court order only.
Access to Original Birth Certificate
Citation: Ann. Code Tit. 10, § 3215
The original birth certificate is accessible only upon order of the court.
Where the Information Can Be Located
The court that approved the adoption