Access to Adoption Records - Florida
Who May Access Information
Citation: Ann. Stat. §§ 63.162; 63.165
Information may be available to the following persons:
- The adoptee who is age 18 or older
- The birth parents
- The adoptive parents
- Birth siblings
- Maternal and paternal birth grandparents
Access to Nonidentifying Information
Citation: Ann. Stat. § 63.162
All nonidentifying information, including the family medical history and social history of the adoptee and the birth parents, when available, must be furnished to the adoptive parents before the adoption becomes final and to the adoptee, upon the adoptee's request, after he or she reaches majority. Upon the request of the adoptive parents, all nonidentifying information obtained before or after the adoption has become final must be furnished to the adoptive parents.
Mutual Access to Identifying Information
Citation: Ann. Stat. §§ 63.162; 63.165
Identifying information about a birth parent, an adoptive parent, or an adoptee may not be disclosed unless the respective party has authorized, in writing, the release of such information. If the adoptee is younger than age 18, written consent must be obtained from an adoptive parent.
The court may, upon petition of an adult adoptee or birth parent, for good cause shown, appoint an intermediary or a licensed child-placing agency to contact a birth parent or adult adoptee, as applicable, who has not registered with the adoption registry pursuant to § 63.165, and advise them of both the availability of the intermediary or agency and that the birth parent or adult adoptee, as applicable, wishes to establish contact.
The Department of Children and Families shall maintain a registry with the last known names and addresses of an adoptee, the birth parents, and the adoptive parents and any other identifying information that the parties wish to include in the registry.
The registry shall be available for those persons choosing to enter information therein, but no one shall be required to do so. A person who enters information in the registry must indicate clearly the persons to whom he or she is consenting to release the information, which shall be limited to the adoptee, the birth parents, the adoptive parents, birth siblings, and maternal and paternal birth grandparents. Consent to the release of this information may be made in the case of a minor adoptee by his or her adoptive parents or by the court after a showing of good cause. At any time, any person may withdraw, limit, or otherwise restrict consent to release information by notifying the department in writing.
Access to Original Birth Certificate
Citation: Ann. Stat. § 63.162
The original birth certificate is available only upon order of the court.
Where the Information Can Be Located
Florida Adoption Reunion Registry