Access to Adoption Records - Connecticut

Date: December 2019

Who May Access Information

Citation: Ann. Stat. § 45a-746

Nonidentifying information is available to the following persons:

  • The adult adoptee
  • The adoptive parents or guardian of the child
  • The legal representative of the adoptee
  • If the adoptee is deceased, any adult descendants, including adopted descendants

Identifying information may be accessed by the following persons:

  • The adult adoptee
  • Any birth parent of the adult adoptee, including any person claiming to be the father who was not a party to the proceedings for the termination of parental rights
  • Any adult birth sibling of the adult adoptee
  • If the adoptee is deceased, any adult descendants, including legally adopted descendants

Access to Nonidentifying Information

Citation: Ann. Stat. § 45a-746

Nonidentifying information about the birth parents shall be provided in writing to the adopting parents prior to finalization of the adoption.

The birth parents may access the information at any time for the purposes of verifying, correcting, or adding information.

Information about the birth parents includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Age at the time of the child's birth
  • Ethnic background and nationality
  • General physical appearance at the time of the child's birth
  • Education and occupations of the birth parents
  • Talents, hobbies, and special interests
  • Existence of any other children born to either parent
  • Health history of the birth parents and blood relatives
  • Reasons for placing the child for adoption
  • Religion of the birth parents
  • Any other relevant nonidentifying information

Mutual Access to Identifying Information

Citation: Ann. Stat. § 45a-751

Any authorized applicant may, by applying in person or in writing to the child-placing agency or the Department Children and Families, request the release of identifying information. The information should be released, unless the following apply:

  • The consents of every person whose identity is sought, as required by § 45a-751b, are not given.
  • The release of the requested information would seriously disrupt or endanger the physical or emotional health of the applicant or the person whose identity is being requested.

Access to Original Birth Certificate

Citation: Ann. Stat. § 7-53

Upon request, the Department of Public Health shall issue an uncertified copy of an original certificate of birth to the following:

  • An adoptee who is age 18 or older whose adoption was finalized on or after October 1, 1983
  • An adoptee's adult child or grandchild

The certificate shall be marked with a notation by the issuer that the original certificate of birth has been superseded by a replacement certificate of birth as on file. Additionally, a notice shall be printed on such certificate or attached thereto stating that information related to the birth parents' preferences regarding contact by the adoptee or the adoptee's adult child or grandchild and a medical health history form completed by the birth parent may be on file with the Department of Children and Families.

Where the Information Can Be Located

  • Connecticut Adult Adoption Search
  • Connecticut Department of Children and Families and each child-placing agency involved in the adoption